Use Google Suggest to find out customer needs and relevant keywords for SEA
Use Google Suggest (by hitting space) after you typed in a certain keyword to see what users googled in relation to it. This way you
Use Google Suggest (by hitting space) after you typed in a certain keyword to see what users googled in relation to it. This way you
Je mehr man über die Zielgruppe weiß, desto besser kann man sie erreichen, sie konvertieren und Kunden aus dieser Zielgruppe gewinnen. Dazu ein Hack, den
Reach on Linkedin Videos decreased in the last month. This means we have to test more with static images. The idea, we are showing real
Use the tool hotjar.com to watch screencast videos of users browsing your website. This way you can see where to optimize the User Experience and Customer Journey
Many people define their personas but forget the emotional description of their target group. The customer desire map helps understanding what the feelings and thoughts
With which strategy you want to grow is one of the hardest questions in business life, right? We use Google Adwords and the Google Keyword
Your buying a product for instance online. After two days you’re receiving your package, opening it and what so you see first? The printed out,
All people outsight are overwhelmed. Overwhelmed of marketing stuff. “Click here”, “Join here for free”, Sliders, Hero images, Ads, Videos, Everything is clicky, shiny and
Netflix cancelled 100.000+ inactive, but paying, accounts. A paying account brings Netflix between 8 and 16€ a month…From the revenue only perspective, this doesn’t make
In a sales call try to find out what kind of goal / KPI your prospect has to fulfill in order to get their bonus.
It´s really hard to find our what the real customer needs are. Here is an idea: Ask your sales- or customer service guys, because they´re
Everybody knows and uses Google daily. And everybody knows the Google suggest feature when you type in a phrase added with a space character you’ll
Create an automated follow-up email to ask customers to share their testimonial.
404 (page not found) pages can lead to frustrating experiences for users. Making them user-friendly and fun helps to keep the user in the loop.