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Funnel Step
B2B and B2C

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Use Google Suggest to find out the real problems of your target group

Everybody knows and uses Google daily. And everybody knows the Google suggest feature when you type in a phrase added with a space character you’ll get a list of suggestions. Those suggestions are not randomly chosen, they are the most common searched phrases of the users.
Just take 5 minutes and try to „Google“ as your customers would do. What kinds of problems, events, search phrases are they looking for, where you have the solution for. Again, only problems and special events are allowed…

What is forbidden to choose your solution or your brand? To people in your pipeline who are looking for those keywords should be your daily routine and is definitely not a Growth Hack, right?

If you type in those „problem“ keywords and make a space character you’ll get a beautiful list of suggestions where you can choose the 2-3 best matches and start an experiment with it.

Learning: In every workshop, this is a mind-shifting exercise, where our attendees recognize how easy it could be to learn to think as their customers do.


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These video tutorials will help you execute faster

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