Use Instant Pages to generate Leads via Social Paid Ads
The big Problem of paid ads is most often the conversion on the landingpages. The best hack is to use instant pages all the platforms
The big Problem of paid ads is most often the conversion on the landingpages. The best hack is to use instant pages all the platforms
Lead Generation is always a big strategic topic…especially in b2b companies. This hack helps you to generate more leads in just one week with just
Use Google Suggest (by hitting space) after you typed in a certain keyword to see what users googled in relation to it. This way you
Bei Google Ads gibt es immer etwas zu optimieren. Sei es der Anzeigen-Text, die Keyword Auswahl oder die Conversion Rate auf der Landingpage. Jedes Mal,
Let users download something of value on your website. Once they gave you their contact data (first name, last name, email) in return try finding
Besonders B2B arbeiten Teams hart daran einen Kontakt überhaupt erst einmal dazu zu bekommen, dass er in eine Angebotsphase eintritt. Für die meisten ist an
Wir konzentrieren uns immer auf die Conversions auf einer Landingpage oder im Shop. Wir freuen uns über X% Conversion Rate und versuchen mit Maßnahmen auf
The product strategy is one of the most important topics of a holistic growth strategy. Try filling out all the steps of the ladder…Most importantly:
Der Satz “Wir helfen X, Y zu tun, indem wir Z tun” hilft dabei, deutlich zu machen, was du wem anbietest und welches Problem du
Create scores for people to check how good they are on a certain topic to get their lead information. People are curious to compare against
Use the tool hotjar.com to watch screencast videos of users browsing your website. This way you can see where to optimize the User Experience and Customer Journey
Follow Up leads on different channels to increase response rate…For B2B for example use mail and linkedin. Send them a Mail one day after they
Many people define their personas but forget the emotional description of their target group. The customer desire map helps understanding what the feelings and thoughts
Using Outbrain Ads to generate Linkedin article visitors by linking a Linkedin article to the outbrain ads.
se the Tool ZAPIER to automate repetitive tasks you have to do regularly. For example to send people in your mailing tool automatically. You can
In a sales call try to find out what kind of goal / KPI your prospect has to fulfill in order to get their bonus.
Give Prospects a task or something to interact with during the sales process (like a questionnaire or a canvas) so they feel like they already
Use the tool “Crystal Knows” to get a detailed personality profile of your prospects. The tool also tells you how to approach the prospect individually
Use LinkedIn Events to generate awareness for your events. You can invite your whole network and they will get a personal invitation in their notification
After a Lead finishes registration process make it as easy as possible to share the LandingPage to another colleague to get a viral referral effect.